Jumaat, Jun 26, 2009
Selasa, Jun 23, 2009
.:sarapan kala hati perut bergelora:.
Isnin, Jun 22, 2009
.:Ibu masih keliru:.
adakah teman yang mahu mendengar bicara Ibu?
yang dapat menghapus keliru Ibu?
yang dapat menjelasi apa yang Ibu tidak jelas?
yang dapat mencermini imejan Ibu yang Ibu tidak nampak?
pada siapa Ibu mengadu?
Sabtu, Jun 20, 2009
Jumaat, Jun 19, 2009
.:tiba-tiba muffin rosselleku jadi kelabu:.
mulamula Ibu bikin jus rosselle. sedikit sahaja. lebih kurang setengah cawan. jusnya pekat merah keunguan. kemudian Ibu campurkan dalam adunan muffin Ibu. sewaktu mengaulkannya Ibu sangkakan ia akan menjadikan batter muffin itu pinkish warnanya...tapi tiba-tiba...ia menjadi ungu. dan sewaktu Ibu sibuk menyudu muffin ke cawan kertas comelnya muffin itu semakin menjadi kelabu...dan bila masak inilah hasilnya...
Rabu, Jun 17, 2009
.:asalkan kita mahu:.
Isnin, Jun 15, 2009
.:benci dan kecewa:.
Dalam dada Ibu saat ini penuh rasa benci dan kecewa. Sarat menanggung kesakitannya. Tak tahu di mana nak mencari penawarnya.
Sabtu, Jun 13, 2009
Jumaat, Jun 12, 2009
.: the so called "perang email":.
@times, i feel regret resigned....Ada career like u all pun ok, kan? But...bila dengar kwn2 yg dah b`jaya n said: "dat'`s good for u linda. U must remeber, rezeki u bkn dr TCB, tapi dr Allah SWT.If u work hard enuf, Tuhan akan bagi rezeki yg melimpah ruah...Problems - biasalah...buat u hv 2 b strong, physically and mentally....in 1 yr, I guarantee ur co. is well established." Mungkin Kak Linn yang tak sabar kot...or tak strong enuf merempuh ombak....
and I reply her via email and cc it to the other two sisters:~
From: Mawarungu
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:41 PM
To: linn; iss
Cc: Am
Subject: @ time u were down...
I decide to jawap yr SOS via emel coz it seem too much words to text…
Don’t regret of what u hv chosen. Mungkin mmg betul apa yg kawan K.Lin cakap mmg rezeki K.Lin bukan dekat TCB. And infact klw mmg rezeki K.linn takat mendapat duit VSS hari tu dah lama Kak Linn dapat duit tu. Tapi itu bukan jugak rezeki K.linn. As time passes by Signora was form. Wlwpun dah bebulan sebelum tu K.linn hv started doing food biznez kecil2an di rumah, m sure rancangan membuka Signora tak masuk pun dalam mana2 journal tahunan terbaru K.linn. kan…? But Signora wasn’t a bad idea at all. Why must we regret…why must u, Kak Linn particularly regret…? U got d bakat and skilled and ilmu and u are doing things where u can do at ur level best. It’s just that this is a new beginning. Pasti saja ada banyak liku2 yg nak ditempuh n rempuh. M sure u got the strength untuk melawan badai. Klw K.linn tak kuat, me lagilah lemah. Just becoz I see people were not willing to sacrifice their time for Signora; and at d same time my “sleeping” partner were complaining about our “famlily time” pun I rasa cam nak give up. And I even stop taking orders and promoting bcoz I tak tahan to see people come and go as and when they want to d café without even considering me and u yg without fail always at d café. Though its been only 1 mth plus since we run d café I feel like its been months and months I don’t have/enjoy weekends with my family. Even my market shopping pun tak sempat buat during weekends. So as u can see as simple as d reason tht I had pun boleh lemahkan semangat to give up Signora. Apatah cabaran yang K.Linn hadapi hari ini (or even this few days) lagilah boleh buat patah semangat. Tapi sebab looking at your strength and credibility la m still here. And yess rezeki to memang Allah akan beri infact melimpah ruah klw DIA nak beri asalkan kita terus berusaha tanpa jemu dan rasa putus asa. Marilah kita bersama-sama berganding bahu biar dicakaq rimau, dicakaq ulaq sekalipun sama2lah kita hadapi and sama2lah kita support each other. And please put your emotion away. If not asyikla I kena tinggal sorang jaga café. If u think u got problem I oso got problem and my problem is even bigger coz its MY problem…tapi saja taknak tunjuk….mihahaha…jgn marah…
then Kak Am jawap seperti ada nada marah dalam jawapannya:~
From: Am
Dear all,
First of all, I don’t even get the SOS… maybe my name was TERomitted in the first place or it was intended to be that way…
BUT, I am just wondering whether this below message is specially pen in for me or for all of us. I don’t think it is a fair statement to say that “Just becoz I see people were not willing to sacrifice their time for Signora; and at d same time my “sleeping” partner were complaining about our “famlily time” pun I rasa cam nak give up. And I even stop taking orders and promoting bcoz I tak tahan to see people come and go as and when they want to d café without even considering me and u yg without fail always at d café.
My dear sis…what does it mean by that? How many times that some people or ME who did not come to the café ? Who are these people who are not willing to sacrifice their time for Signora? Who are these people who come and go as and when they want to the café? Is it true that it is only u yang without fail always at the café?
Just because I did not turn up yesterday coz tertidur after my long journey to “escape” myself, now I have to endure another not so friendly message. I guess because I am too skinny, people just don’t see me around and other contributions that I made to Signora. If this is the case, my thousand apologies to Signora as well as to all my dear sis …
If only u feel what I felt then you know…with that note, I thank you.
then the perang email between me and Kak Am started:~
From: Mawarungu
Kak am ayu bukan nak gaduh2 ngan kak am ckp2 pasal ni suma. Infact the phrase yang kak am highlight tu dh byk kali ayu suarakan pada kak linn. N pada Kak iss pun ayu dah penah cakap. Like I said its been weeks tht I’ve spend at the café and don’t enjoy my WEEKENDS….so obviously m not talking about only last nite. And I’ve only been away during my trip to Bandung and S’pore selepas lebih kurang hampir 2 bulan (1Apr – 24may) we run the cafe. And yess its been every weekend that I spend at the café Saturday and Sunday since then. Klw u rasa I masih tak cukup contribute my energy and time…by asking this: Is it true that it is only u yang without fail always at the café? m so sorry than, I hv to work harder.
Kak linn mmg tgh down sekarang. And mungkin dia xnak pjgkan sms dia pada kak am takut u cannot take it bcoz u got ur own problem. Compared to you I am more concern to pulihkan semangat Kak Linn…bcoz tanpa signora kak linn wud hv no other ways for a living rite now…whereas u…m sure u can reconcile back wit ur love one after whatever fight tht u had tht nite…m sorry for not even trying to understand ur situation….to be frank (bcoz dah tk larat nak simpan2 dlm hati n bengang snri)…I mmg malas nak layan yr emotion lagi dah. It is bcoz ur sms tht nite yg tuduh2 tu really hurt. and terlajak perahu boleh diundur….
m really really sori if I am so, so keji to you… but m not an angel….
then perang lagi:~
From: Am
Ayu.. Kalau nak pulihkan semangat Kak Lin, then together kita pulihkan because all of us need the semangat, all of us need the passion, bukannya some people di pulihkan semangat and some people di patahkan semangatnya…
No need to be sorry, Ayu tak pernah pun keji pada Kak Am, nobody yg bersikap keji pun.. actually I don love this word “KEJI” so bad, nak sebut pun tak sanggup.
I m not an angel too and so does everybody…
then I decided to stop menjawap. but this morning after talking to Kak Linn on the phone I feel like I should jawap. so I pun jawap....:~
From: Mawarungu
Thank you Kak Am for “sharing” and “listening”…
I didn’t meant to patahkan semangat of any of us…but really, really hope that we can build up our semangat together, forever and do hope that we can prove to M.I.L that meniaga adik beradik tak semestinya berakhir dengan pergaduhan.
Memang kesal dengan apa yg terjadi tapi Ayu rasa Ayu mesti luahkan apa yang Ayu rasa supaya semua tahu. Mohon ampun dan maaf, I really do. Sayang you so much and really takut to ruin our relation. Look forward to work together tonite and please don’t leave me on my own again….sob, sob, sob….
then Kak Am reply me:~
From: Am
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 9:54 AM
To: Mawarungu
Subject: RE: @ time u were down...
Thank you to you too.
Fred not.. I am coming tonite and look forward to working together tonite. Jgn sob, sob, sob ye.. nanti Kam Am lagi uwahhh
Khamis, Jun 04, 2009
.:hari ini Ayah cuti sakit:.
hari ini Ayah cuti kerana dia pula demam. dia mengeluh tadi pagi kerana terpaksa menghantar Ibu ke tempat kerja. tapi dia tetap hantar Ibu. kemudian dia ke klinik.
hari ini Ibu sangatsangat mengantuk. tersengguksengguk menahan kantuk di meja kerja Ibu. tapi Alhamdulillah setakat papan kekunci komputer ditekantekan jemari Ibu saat ini, Ibu telah berjaya menunaikan puasa qadha Ibu. cuma Ibu tidak tertahan menahan kantuk. kalaulah sekarang ini ada yang menyorongkan bantal...pasti Ibu sudah bermimpi diulit kupukupu warnawarni dibalik pelangi menarinari...
Rabu, Jun 03, 2009
.:got to scream my hatred out:.
Selasa, Jun 02, 2009
.:demam cuticuti Singapura:.
~ make-up bag
~ mango body butter 50ml
~ vitamin E intense moisture cream 20ml
~ total energy enlivening body gel 50ml
~ total energy enlivening body wash 50ml
~ divide & multiply mascara 5ml
everything only for RM54.00!!! and not to forget the japanese cherry blossom edt 50ml for RM71.00...
~ sachs sandal is RM85 but i got it for RM68 after 20% discount
...that's about it. the 'ubat' to prevent me from demam...
Ayam Masak Hitam
Bismillah.. Ayam Masak Hitam. Ini adalah antara koleksi resepi yang Ibu simpan sekian lama. Ibu baru sangat berkahwin waktu mendapatkan ...
Bismillah Segala puji bagi Allah yang menyampaikan usia kami berdua beranak hingga hari ini. Mudah-mudahan dengan kesempatan yang dib...
Nota Ibu hasil dari bulatan manis pada hari Jumaat yang lepas tentang ~ meraih dan meniti jalan istiqomah... Apakah istiqomah? Secara e...
Luncheon bersama Kak Zie dan Kak Ana Ziana hari ini. Akhirnya setelah seberapa lama teringin nak makan ramen sup...hari inilah harinya Ibu m...